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7 tips to build Strong Relationships: Experience the Power of Humility

 Pride makes us artificial and humility makes us real. -Thomas Merton

While climbing the stairs of success, many a times we become so focused on our goals & passions that we forget our friends, family or the ones whose company we enjoy. I agree that we do not wish to be distracted by anyone and their activities like going for cinema, partying and enjoying don’t seem to be very attractive to us but we should not forget that every relationship needs communication, time& attention.


Of course we may stay focused onto our goals and may choose not to enjoy with them if we have some targets to achieve or some imperative tasks to accomplish. Nonetheless sometimes we stay detached and unaffected showcasing that we are too busy or we have significant assignments to cater to, whence our family or friends are in urgent need of our time & care, the chances are more that it would reflect our arrogance and we may lose them forever.


Nonetheless let us never lose such opportunities to connect with them and disclose our special care & love by being humble, grounded and generous as goals& ambitions can still be achieved anytime but relationships once lost are lost forever.And remember a study done by Harvard University suggests that it is our healthy relationships that bring us everlasting happiness.

Let me share that the more we achieve success in our lives, the crucial there is the need to adopt these 7 tips to embrace humility along with confidence and focus on our goals and passions. These ways would indeed assistusin transforming our neutral relationships into amiable ones:


1.      Be Genuine: This is a mandate for any relationship. We need to be genuine and authentic in expressing our thoughts, ideas and feelings or we would never be able to build strong trust and cordial relationships with our family, teams and friends. Also it is quite important to set up boundaries by not accepting negative behavior and humbly communicating what can be accepted.


2.      Be Generous: We need to be sincerely kind to ourselves first and then to all around us. Let us always put us, our goals and dreams first but then do not forget to be generous& compassionate with the ones who believe us by giving them space, practicing charity or sharing time with them. We should be gentle and loving to ourselves by choosing to be happy and investing on our health be it physical, mental & emotional. We even need to stop competing with others moreover mutually complementing and supporting each other in various endeavors leads to success. Mark my words, such an act will charismatic ally draw abundance towards us.


3.      Never ignore the ones who trust us: We need to understand that our passions &goals can wait but relationships are more precious, we should always respect the ones who love us and whom we care for. Let’s come forward to help them in need or state of urgency, even at the cost of our tangible or elusive benefits.Additionally we should always avert any ego clash with the ones who trust us as ego replicates the sense of insecurity and inadequacy and not strength.


4.      Do not be judgmental or robotic: While climbing up the path of success we sense that we should surround ourselves only with the achievers, ambitious people who can contribute to our progress and this makes us non-human and robotic and we start losing our humility and thereby relationships. We become proud of ourselves after achieving immensely and start judging others for not being able to achieve like us. We need to understand that this is the time of test for us. To reach our goals and ambitions there’s no need to leave our friends and family behind us, in fact if we stay connected with them they may act as our strengths who would motivate us to grow at a greater pace.


5.      Respect and accept the individual choice of others: We need to understand the fact that every individual is unique with his/her unique choice or preferences per the requirements and we must understand, accept and respect their individuality. For instance if we are goal oriented or progressive there may be others who aren’t such, they may believe in leading a simple &peaceful life, let us not judge them for that. Rather it is our responsibility and maturity to understand that it’s their choice, they may or may not prefer to follow us or walk with us, allow them to take their own tracks and appreciate them for living their lives as they choose to.


6.      Always celebrate the achievements:We achieve our dreams and goals with the support and sacrifices of our family, friends and teams and when it comes to celebrate, we forget to do that almost every time. After accomplishing one goal we move on to the next and this is our biggest folly as we should never ever forget to celebrate our achievements and share our happiness with all so as to express our gratitude towards them as well as God. This will be immensely fruitful in strengthening our relationships and connections and even motivate them to support us more in our succeeding ventures.


7.      Be Generative: It is furthermore important to understand that if we take all the above actions effectively, we would become more productive and creative as our congenial & beautiful relations with all around us would certainly keep us happy and that would lead to a more focused and productive state of mind.


Moreover, if we remember that we are children of God and His grace along with our hard work is all that is instrumental in bringing success to us, we would never be conceited and arrogant or be insensible rather we would be grateful for his blessings and would always remain humble and courteous with all as said in the following words of C. JoyBell C:


“Be careful not to mistake insecurity and inadequacy for humility! Humility has nothing to do with the insecure and inadequate! Just like arrogance has nothing to do with greatness!”

Manager-Institutional Affairs

KIET Group of Institutions



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